What if you wrap your feet in aluminum foil?
Aluminum foil is one of the most commonly used items in your kitchen, but have you ever thought about using it in other ways that benefit your health and beauty? Yes, it has been proven that aluminum foil can be used to treat pain in the feet, neck, back, shoulders, and knees by wrapping the affected area with it for an hour!
How does aluminum foil treat various body pains?
This method of treating body pain is well-known, and some researchers recommend performing this treatment regularly. You should wrap the painful area with aluminum foil daily for about 10 to 12 days.
According to Russian scientist A.V. Skvortsov, aluminum foil has anti-inflammatory properties that help alleviate pain within just an hour of use.
4 Health Benefits You Can Get by Wrapping Your Feet with Aluminum Foil:
- Aluminum Foil for Foot Pain Relief Simply wrap your feet with 5 to 7 layers of aluminum foil, placing cotton pads between each layer, and leave it on for about an hour. Afterward, remove the foil and let your feet air out without wrapping them for two hours. Then, wrap your feet again and keep them covered for another hour. Repeat this process for a week or longer, and you’ll gradually feel the pain subside. You can also use this trick to alleviate neck pain or any other body part.
- Aluminum Foil for Burn Pain Relief Whether the burns are on your feet or other areas of the body, aluminum foil can also help reduce the intensity of burn pain. First, wash the burn with cold water and dry it well using a clean cloth. Then apply a small amount of burn ointment to the affected area. After that, cover it with a sterile gauze pad, followed by aluminum foil, and secure it with a bandage.
- Aluminum Foil for General Body Pain Relief As mentioned earlier, aluminum foil can be used to treat pain in different parts of the body. Simply cover the painful area with aluminum foil or wrap your feet with a layer of it to relieve body pain until you feel more comfortable and the pain fades.
- Aluminum Foil for Cold Symptoms Relief To get rid of cold symptoms, wrap your feet with a few layers of aluminum foil and leave it on for one hour. Then, remove the foil and rest for 3 hours. Repeat this process for a week, and the results will amaze you.